

Maxillary and mandibular orthopedics

This is how, through the use of different types of appliances, the growth of the upper jaw or the jaw can be redirected in developing children. Also, during this period, certain types of harmful habits such as thumb sucking, nail biting, mouth breathing, among others, can be corrected at an early stage.

Interceptive Orthodontics

The aim is to make an early diagnosis of the appearance of malocclusions during the period of temporary and mixed dentition, in order to treat them or minimize complications.

Corrective orthodontics

Teenagers and adults

Corrective orthodontic studies, diagnose and correct the malposition of teeth within the maxillary and mandibular arches through the use of brackets and/or aligners.

They are a type of metal or ceramic brackets that do not require the use of elastics around the bracket to join it to the wire, therefore less friction is generated and the treatment can be carried out faster.

They are a very good option for those patients who require orthodontics, but who also want to have good aesthetics, since in many cases ceramic braces can go unnoticed.

Orthodontics for surgical purposes

It is suitable for those patients who are going to undergo jaw surgery , in order to coordinate the maxilla and the jaw, before the surgical procedure.

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