Dental check-up
Frequent dental check-ups by the dentist are one of the most important preventive measures for oral health, since the two most prevalent diseases in the mouth are caries and gum disease, both in Colombia and worldwide.

Dental prophylaxis
The bacterial plaque that forms on the teeth is a biofilm made up of different groups of bacteria, proteins, sugars and minerals that can become calcified and thus produce dental calculus that is indicated to be removed periodically to avoid inflammation of the gums and prevent serious diseases.
Aesthetic resin restorations
When a carious process occurs in a tooth, the infected tissue must be removed and a material placed in its place to rebuild it. To this end, materials such as aesthetic resins have been developed to achieve this.

Dental emergencies
The purpose of this treatment is to relieve the patient’s pain or to stop an infectious process associated mainly with dental caries, dentoalveolar trauma or dental abscesses that compromise the general condition of the person.